Update on
"Potty Training" ( if you can even call it that)
Let me first give you a little taste of our parenting methods..
When Austin was first born, we were both amateurs, we had no clue what we were doing.
We were scared senseless of doing something wrong, or being bad parents..
The first two or three weeks we called numerous ( uncountable times) to the Doctors, nurses, and staff of the office( family..friends...the list goes on) for advice on silly things looking back, but we really had no idea..
And we weren't ashamed to ask for advice, or opinions..
We were so happy to have made a life, we just wanted to do the right thing..
But we got the hang of it.
We got into the groove, of no longer being two 20-somethings who were self-oriented, and self obsessed, we were now young newlyweds AND parents..
It was a life rearrange-er for sure.
Had to re-prioritize, and no regrets..
absolutely none.
Sure... I, hell we all have made un-godly bad choices, in our life..
Some how having a child, brings hope, and love and a new perspective on things..
I'm rambling..
Potty Training is un-ventured territory.. and I will be honest, I have absolutely no clue what I am doing.
So.. I ask for advice, I listen to my Doctor. I listen to my mom, my aunts.. etc..
I try to put myself in his shoes..
try to talk to him, so he understands what I mean..
It is actually fun!!! teaching.. that is..
Everyday, I mean Gosh he's like a sponge.. He learns so fast, and retains things..
babies are amazing creatures..
maybe I will him on start french lessons.. ( JK)
This is my son.. Taking off his diaper to go
" pee pee"
Its a slow journey we are taking.. But the boy walked at 9 months. so hopefully he will learn before pre-k...
Update on: rainy days..
We have had quite a few in a row here, and lets face it, a male toddler can get a little stir crazy..
in the form of terrorizing my furniture, or walking around naked... you get the idea..
We have built some routines, and one includes TUESDAYS....
Tuesdays are the day we mop the floors..
I bought Austin his own scrub brush to "help"
mommy's BIG helper |
Eating Ice cream..
Austin was feeding himself.. I walked out, to a very large mess...
( Keith was half asleep) |
and.. when it is NOT raining..
this is Austin's newest favorite thing to do..
( thanks to Grandpa)
rolling down our little hill in his coupy coup...
thanks grandpa again.. He really LOVES it!!
and last but not least..
what would fall be without a grown-ups way of celebrating??
( after bedtime of course)
YUMMY ( celebrating a delicious fall flavor) |