Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Welcome 2013

I am welcoming this year with open arms, fully aware of how totally rad 2012 was for me. Last night I sat around my stepdad's table amazed at how much can happen in 365 days. Last year I was pregant with Addy, I had just learned she was a girl, and hadn't yet even named her. When we sat in a circle to give our resolutions mine was to get a job by the end of the year. CHECKMATE

And that I did, in August after the holiday I started work. And it forced me to become a different parent, to let go of my kids hands, to trust others with their daily care. and in turn it also pushed me to look at the world differently. It took weeks for me to come to a sense of calm about my job, it was hard, and it was so much to take in. But I love what I do, and what it represents, to me, to the world and mostly to my children. I vow to be a becon of inteligence for them, one of acceptance, tolerance and LOVE..

LOVE, my mantra for 2013. love my family, my job, my husband, strangers, myself. not in the i love you so much sense, because of course I love these people and things. But moreso, show love.

2012 was great, it gave me my daughter, the one whom I always wanted and couldn't wait to meet. It made my son a brother, the best there could be. And it helped me cross off some goals.

So, farewell 2012, you were wonderful.
and hello 2013, I can't wait to see what you have to offer..

I will leave you with a picture.
part of another, funner goal for 2013, to take a photo a day to create a scrapbook at the end of the year.

day one:

\From our family to yours
Happy New Years

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