Thursday, July 7, 2011

God bless America

Not only was  this weekend Indepence Day weekend, a really cool holiday, but also Keiths vaca.
It started with a two day yard sale, a mild case of heat exashtion, fireworks, and then a visit from the in-laws.
And its only half over!

little yellow tractor

Daddy and Austin eating 'SICKLES'

Baking Shortbread and Strawberries ( my father has informed me you must mash the berries, who knew!! I never did)

** Getting ready for the fireworks with Austin and Daddy **

painting on stahs

Austins First Fireworks show - amazing, and he wasnt scared one bit! What a little man!

getting ready for the 'boom booms'

Watched from the bed our of truck! we are true americans!!

The next day our family from out-of state arrived. We baked pies and cookies, and had a cookout for the fourth!

Red White and Blue
The star top crust was a very new idea for us to try, we really loved it!
Keith worked all day on the porch.. such a good worker!

God Bless America, and God Bless You!
**We took a trip to the coast too**..
built castles

played in the sand

jumped over waves
Went on a picnic,

Had an honest-to-goodness water ballon fight, where I may or may not have had a temper tantrum when Keith threw one at my back side.. but who knows really?

I hate/love this because we are both making really ugly faces - on accident!

Over all, the weekend went over quite well, which means, bickering, sweating, forgetting things, but over all having a good time, and making memories - because that is what really matters!

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