Sunday, April 24, 2011

Easter Sunday

Easter was way late this year, but no one noticed on this great day! The weather was perfect, we were all in good moods, and jeez we had a lot of fun too.

The day started out early.
Austin woke up to a beautiful site...

some real..

some jelly bean filled

He had such a good time hunting for his eggs, and eating his jelly beans..

He would open an egg, eat a bean.. this lasted about 15 minutes..

At  breakfast Austin opened his basket. His face is was what I live for - the joy!!

 a few jelly beans later, we headed out to church, where we tried to get Bubba to play in nursery, but to no avail.
But he will hopefully warm up
* fingers crossed

Then we headed to meme's house, where to our surprise Nany, Joaquin and Cole were all visiting for our egg hunt, and ham lunch. ( and when I say ham, I mean our own rendition of a bolided ham, in the form of subs -- yummy)

The boys had not seen each other in quite a while, and really enjoyed playing together.

We had an egg hunt, and they all did really well, except for the part of wanting each others eggs..
But hey, what kids dont want more?? right?

Joaquin and his eggs

so serious

Showing off their loot..

Then it was time for lunch.. Where we all had subs.

making a business call during dinner
Then it was time for some baskets..

The biggest hit of the party, was by far the big bubble makers.

The boys LOVED them.


The boys played some more.

and we attempted to get a family photo..

he was trying to schooch his way out..

After we came home, we litteraly spent the entire afternoon outside, raking and playing, talking with some neighbors we know.. and LOVE!!

Our yard is coming along really nicely, and am so looking forward to our backyard summer.

We even ate a picnic ham 'suppah' tonight.

The way life should be..

On this Easter I am blessed, I am happy, and I am hopeful for the future - in all areas, especailly job-wise, I got a feeling that something is maybe coming my way.

*fingers crossed!

I hope your Easter was as full of love as mine was.

To many more holidays with the ones I love!!

1 comment:

  1. Great blog & pictures as usual. Love you guys sooo much & glad we are friends as well as relations! You make everyday 'special' & Holidays beyond belief! Love you for making OUR great-grandson times he will cherish in the years ahead. XOXOXO Great-grammy, MB :)
